Prime International

It has always been, and will always be, about quality. We're passionate about ethically serving you a best and competitive service and also We'd like to hear your comments and feedback!

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Prime International

Create just what you need for your Perfect Website. Choose from a wide range of Elements & simply put them on your own Canvas.

Beautifully Flexible

Looks beautiful & ultra-sharp on Retina Screen Displays. Powerful Layout with Responsive functionality that can be adapted to any screen size.

Premium Constructions

You'll be surprised to see the Final Results of your Creation & would crave for more.

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Hi! We are here...
Prime International.

89, Arambag, 1st Floor,
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.

Dhaka Office:

Prime International
89, Arambag, 1st Floor,
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.

Phone: +88 02 7192506

Cell: +88 018 3480 8271
Cell: +88 015 5243 0493

Working Hours:

Sat-Thu: 09AM to 08PM
Friday: Closed

Kolkata Office:

Prime International
G-76, Kamalalaya Centre,
156-A, Lenin Sarani, Kolkata- 700013

Phone: +91 33 22151355
Pacific Courier Service
F-50, Kamalalaya Centre,
156/A, Lenin Sarani,
Kolkata- 700013

Phone: +91 33 22158151, +91 33 22158152

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